
Friday, March 09, 2007

The concept of ghost has existed in Chinese culture for more than 5000 years. In such a long period of time, people have been not only fascinated but terrified by ghost constantly. Though the notion of ghost has promoted fantastic ghost literature, it dose more harm than good— it has haunted in our mind and left great impact on our society. Furthermore, the concept of ghost even has great damage on environment. Take social impact and damage of environment into consideration, the notion of ghost has no positive influence but harm.

One of the greatest negative social impacts is that the concept of ghost might cause the fear and leave shadow in children’s mind. According the news from China Evening News (2000), lots of parents complain that the so called “mysterious shows” has great damage on children’s heart. In a class of 30 people, about one-third of them admit that they have nightmare or afraid to be alone after watching mysterious shows. Another survey of 830 children conducted by Children Welfare Institution has suggested that about half of them feel horrified, 20 percent of them are afraid of sleeping or going to the bathroom alone, and 20 percent of them have nightmare after watching mysterious shows or horror movies. Therefore, the concept of ghost has more negative influence than positive influence is unquestionable.

In addition to negative social impact, the notion of ghost also harms our environment. The air pollution is especially harmed for we burn countless golden papers every year. About 600 tons of golden papers are burned for one single ghost festival in Tainan. Unfortunately, the pollutant of burning each ton of golden papers equals to the pollutant discharge by 65 thousands vehicles. Besides, these golden papers, according to Consumers’ foundation, contain benzene, methyl benzene and ethylbenzene, which are poisonous to health. Therefore, it’s unreasonable to consume our environment and health only because to worship something we can’t even ensure its existence.

To conclude, the concept of ghost has no positive influence to our society is undeniable. To cherish our living environment and next generation, we should abandon this harmful notion and inhibit any publication related to ghost. By doing that, we reduce the damage that ghost brings to us.

Parents Monthly: http://www.mama123.com/e/ef/ef0010/ef00100101.php3
China Evening News:
Taiwan Chamber of Commerce: http://www.tcoc.com.tw/newslist/023200/23228.asp
大紀元 News: http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/6/3/28/n1269212.htm