
Sunday, November 05, 2006

Last week I got the result of mock test of TOFEL. Actually, the result was pretty predictable. As an Oriental, I got good grades on grammar and reading tests. On the other hand, I got poor grades on listening and writing tests, especially the latter. The score ranged from 1to 6, 1 referred to high beginning, and 6 referred to advanced. I only got 3, which referred to intermediate, on writing test. Though Fiona, who took the exam with me, said she thought the test lacked credibility, I thought it still revealed the truth at some degree. I should practice writing essay more since I’ not really good at it. Anyway, I started to think why on earth my writing ability was so poor. There were too many reasons too talk about, but I think the most crucial one was lack of practicing. I had never written an essay in English until I was third grader of senior high school. I still remember the first grade I got was “5” (the score ranged from 1 to 20). Anyway, I felt that I progressed only a little bit and that really annoyed me. People always avoid things that they are not good at, so am I. Every time I sit in front of the computer and think about practice writing, I’m just stuck there. Maybe I should attend some weird clubs (if there is one) which will force you to write essay at least three times a week. Or should I go to the cram school? But the problem is that since I can’t do well at schoolwork, how on earth that I can be able to deal with extra jobs. I’ll just stop here or these frustrating stuffs will drive me crazy.


Blogger Ona FEI said...

Ha! Actually, I have threw the test result into a trash can...
I also believe that writing is the haredst skill to improve for me.
But I believe we'll make some progress, right? (As long as I won't be too lazy to write regularly... ) Gia-yo!

8:43 AM  

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